Carnegie Food Pantry
Open the 3rd Friday of the month 9:30am - 11:30am
Why get involved?

Caddo County is one of the top poverty-stricken counties in the state. We are in the top 3 counties as far as hunger insecurity for children. Today we serve all of Caddo County, along with the towns of Mountain View, and Gotebo!
We are here to change that.
Every dollar donated provides 4 meals to hungry children and families.
This ministry began in 2011 with a desire to help the hungry. We started in a Carnegie United Methodist Church Sunday School Classroom, soon grew to 6 classrooms, then moved to the Fellowship Hall! We have now grown so much that the demand for our service moved us into a new and bigger location right here in Carnegie. Where we once were able to serve only our Carnegie community, we now serve all of Caddo County, along with the towns of Mountain View and Gotebo as well! Keep up with all that is happening through our News & Updates page or sign up below. We invite you to be a part of this ministry and watch lives be changed through the generosity and service of our volunteers and donors.